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What are you doing to help make the world a better...
The Anonymous collective needs your help. Our aim is to try and make our world a better place which we try and achieve through...
Anonymous Operation #OpNewBlood
The hacker wars – documentary
We are Anonymous - The hacker wars documentary
To help activists and hacktivists from persecution, please visit
Hackers Warn British Government over Assange
The international hacker group Anonymous issued a warning message to the British government following the arrest of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in London on...
UK gov foreign ministry hacked, files detailing UK controversial programs in war-torn Syria
Hackers have penetrated the computer systems of the UK’s foreign ministry and taken hundreds of files detailing the country’s controversial propaganda programs in war-torn...
Julian Assange – Help & Take Action
There are various ways you can help Defend WikiLeaks and help support Julian Assange from ongoing persecution.
You can donate to the Defence Fund here....
Jeremy Hammond – released, November 2020
November 17th, 2020 has seen the release of Jeremy Hammon from prison (USA). He is currently serving the rest of his term at a...
Hackers Warn British Government over Assange
The international hacker group Anonymous issued a warning message to the British government following the arrest of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in London on...
We are Anonymous – The Creed
1. Anonymous is an immaterial idea
2. Anonymous is a living, breathing, entity
3. Any individual can become Anonymous
4. Not all can join the collective
5. Anonymous...