Home Julian Assange Julian Assange – Help & Take Action

Julian Assange – Help & Take Action


There are various ways you can help Defend WikiLeaks and help support Julian Assange from ongoing persecution.

You can donate to the Defence Fund here. You can also donate to our fundraising appeals:

  • Support the Julian Assange & WikiLeaks Public Defense Fund here
  • Help Wikileaks Sue the Guardian over a Fabricated Story here, and
  • Help WikiLeaks Fight the Democratic National Committee here.

WikiLeaks is entirely funded by its readers and is being challenged by multi-million dollar corporations. We rely on supporters like you to help. Please share this campaign widely.

Julian Assange and WikiLeaks are the subject of regular false claims and smears in the media – a consequence of challenging the powerful. Media outlets which should support truthtellers often choose to side with powerful interests seeking to undermine WikiLeaks and the public’s right to know. A common smear has become to falsely link Julian Assange and WikiLeaks to Russia, when no links exist. You can write to media outlets and individual journalists who report false news, pointing out the truth. You can use individual newspapers’ complaint mechanisms to challenge editors and press them to issue apologies and retractions. You can use your online, social media presence to inform others about false media reporting.

Write to your political representative

You can write to your member of parliament, Congressman or Senator or Prime Minister asking them to condemn Julian Assange’s arrest and oppose the attempt by the US government to extradite him from the United Kingdom.

  • If you’re in the UK, your role in helping Julian Assange is crucial. Write to your MP to let them know that you oppose onward extradition and that Assange’s legal rights must be protected
  • If you’re in the US, please send a version of this open letter to your political representative calling on President Trump to halt the investigation into WikiLeaks and attempted extradition of Julian Assange.

Write to a human rights organisation and union

Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch are among the prominent organisations standing up for Julian Assange. But all human rights and free speech organisations should be encouraged to voice their support for the defence of international law and free speech and freedom of the media which arise in the case of the US persecution of Julian Assange. As someone granted asylum status because of his “well-founded fear of persecution,” Julian Assange should be defended by all refugee rights organisations. You can write to human rights, refugee and free speech organisations asking them where they stand on Julian Assange and urging them be more vocal. Given the attacks on freedom of the media and the right to publish represented by the US attempts to “take down” WikiLeaks, you can also write to journalist unions and bodies asking them where they stand on Julian Assange and urging them to speak out in his defence.

Sign petitions and letters and join campaigns

You can sign this petition opposing the extradition of Julian Assange as well as this petition started in Australia and this petition in the UK. You can also sign this open letter to President Trump. There are numerous local groups and campaigns that have sprouted up in support of Julian Assange around the world, such as Unity4J.

Print your own banners, posters, flyers, stickers and badges/buttons to support Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning with free, print-ready designs from Somerset Bean.

Keep yourself informed

Follow CourageWikiLeaksAssangeLegalDefend Assange on Twitter, help us share the Defend WikiLeaks Liveblog and Defence Fund.

Follow media outlets which report independently on WikiLeaks and Julian Assange, such as Consortium NewsThe CanaryCounterpunchDemocracy NowThe Real News NetworkTruthdig, and WSWS.


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