Home Anonymous Operations OpFreeAnons Lauri Love VS USA Gov (99 years prison)

Lauri Love VS USA Gov (99 years prison)


After many years of persecution facing extradition from the United Kingdom to USA to face a potential 99 years in prison, the High Court in London ruled that extradition pf Lauri Love should not take place (due to the forum bar to help protect people with autism set up to which previously saw Gary McKinnon evade extradition)

Lauri allegedly took part in Anonymous OpLastResort, an Anonymous Operation in respect of the treatment of Aaron Swartz

Lauri had been indicted by prosecutors in three US federal court districts, who alleged he had been part of #OpLastResort, the series of online protests that followed the death of Aaron Swartz. Lauri’s case highlighted the prosecutorial malpractice that did so much to harm Aaron, but one thing it did not do was challenge the unfocused and outdated criminal statutes that put Aaron in harm’s way in the first place. Aaron’s Law remains important, unfinished business.

Lauri allegedly hacked  US Army, NASA, FBI, the Federal Reserve and the Environmental Protection Agency (plus some more).

Lauri was supported by family and friends throughout many different court appearances in Westminster and the Royal Courts of Justice (High Court). In particular, Naomi Colvin (who writes here: Wikileaks, hacktivist supporters imprisoned | opfreeanons.com) who was working with the Courage Foundation at the time extensively supported Lauri. Former members of LulzSec (LulzSecurity) also supported Lauri and attended Courts and meetings setup to help secure his freedom.

Upon the final judgement given by the Royal Courts of Justice by the Right Honourable The Lord Burnett of Maldon and The Lord Chief Justice, the court room erupted into a loud cheer and clapping (which was then admonished by the Judge). A pub visit and drinks followed after this ruling where a smaller group of supporters gathered to celebrate a partial end to the persecution of Lauri.

At the moment, Lauri is restricted to remaining in either England or Wales, if he travels outside these countries then he risks arrest and extradition to USA as the High Court ruling applies to England and Wales only.

Lauri Love -v- The Government of the United States of America & Liberty (judiciary.uk)


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