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Hackers Warn British Government over Assange

The international hacker group Anonymous issued a warning message to the British government following the arrest of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in London on...

Jeremy Hammond – released, November 2020

November 17th, 2020 has seen the release of Jeremy Hammon from prison (USA). He is currently serving the rest of his term at a...

Kane Gamble – Now released from prison

Kane Gamble was previously head as Cracka and led the hacking group Crackas With Attitude / CWA. Kane used to have many people in...

How to help Anonymous

How to help Anonymous There are many ways to help Anonymous. The purpose of this article is to highlight how to help Anonymous in its...

We are Anonymous – The Creed

1. Anonymous is an immaterial idea 2. Anonymous is a living, breathing, entity 3. Any individual can become Anonymous 4. Not all can join the collective 5. Anonymous...

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